a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

have i mentioned lately how much i love paniculatas?

a.k.a. hygrangea. without a doubt one of my favorites. the more you cut the more they seem to bloom. endless summer has been a great variety for us as the name really does say it all. this year we added 3 oak leaf (or as kate says OAKLEY) hydrangea and 3 peegee "grandiflora." i also used several potted hydrangea inside in march and april to brighten things up and planted them outside as soon as the chance of frost was no longer a threat. i can't wait to see what next year brings for all of our newbies.
this afternoon we took a bunch of cuttings and after soaking them in cold water we brought them inside. i am hoping that they will dry and we can enjoy their splendor for many months to come.
so for the record... i love hydrangea.

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