a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

3 1/2 weeks later while eating pizza...

with a very strange look on her face kate said mid-chew, i think my tooth just fell out

look how tiny

got the tooth pillow right here!

kate and caitlin being silly. friends sharing in the excitement.

and trey telling us that his tooth just fell out too...
out she popped. just like that. completely painless! just the way we like it.
this morning she excitedly announced that the tooth fairy had left 2 gold nickles under her pillow.
she was very relieved that the fairy was able to find us here in asheville.


The Iron Squirrel said...

You should tell Kate that one time her Aunt Allyson got so impatient waiting for her tooth to fall out that she tied one end of a string to her tooth and one end to a door knob and slammed the door. It was painless but I lost the tooth somewhere in the room. The tooth fairy still came though...and told me she found it on the floor near the door. HA!

The Iron Squirrel said...

You should tell Kate that one time her Aunt Allyson got so impatient waiting for her tooth to fall out that she tied one end of a string to her tooth and one end to a door knob and slammed the door. It was painless but I lost the tooth somewhere in the room. The tooth fairy still came though...and told me she found it on the floor near the door. HA!

Anonymous said...

Pizza tooth removal system. Kate, I like your style. Ku-ching, I can hear the cash rolling in now! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

congrats kate!!
love, melissa, judd and cam