a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, June 23, 2008

do you remeber your first best friend...

kiley and her family moved in and became our next door neighbors while we were living on robinson road in mooresville. while the woods made great neighbors, kiley was an exceptional little soul to have next door. kate was just 18 months at the time and the two became fast friends and enjoyed many firsts together. we spent three good years with the woods before we packed up and headed off to asheville. this past weekend kiley came to asheville and spent her first solo weekend with us. it was as if no time had passed at all. it was beautiful! they played babies, they colored, they played dress-up and they enjoyed countless hours romping around outdoors.

we will continue to carry kiley in our hearts and hope that the special little friendship that she and kate share now will endure the test of time.
come back any time kiley -roo. we love you!


Kelly Elizabeth said...

Um... are they smoking next to the fire? Don't post this.. well, your choice.. But it looks like they had Dave Pennock over to their fire.... ah.. good old days at the beach. NEXT WEEK! I will have to ask Kater what she's packing! JOKE.. maybe it is inappropriate. But I am giggling.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHHAA oh man, totally laughing out loud from that Kelly. I am glad that we have the same level of inappropriate thought.