a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


this morning marked the start of camp season. i must admit i am a bit greedy when it comes to spending time with the kids. i would much rather spend what we can of the summer playing and relaxing then over scheduling the kids into a dozen or more activities.
however in an attempt to keep kater-pie in "social mode" we have made a few arrangements. this week being art camp. we get to venture down to the river arts district where kate and a few other children get to take classed from established local artist laura norris.
laura is a gifted artist and a mother to 3 so she is fantastic with the little ones. not to mention she is one of my favorite asheville artists. thursday following thier last session they are going to have a reception to show off their work. pics will be posted later this week.
NOW - to find an art camp for grown-ups!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had an art camp!!! All I've got is "science camp". AKA WORK