those that know we well know that i truly love many of the domestic duties involved with keeping a house and rearing of children. however one of the duties that i continue to struggle with is the laundry. sort of surprising considering an obsession with laundry runs in my family.
my mother is the queen of the laundry room. when you can't find mika there are two places i always recommend checking. first the laundry room and if she is not there she is probably outside. i've never know anyone able to get whites whiter then her and stains, you can forget about them. she has a potion that will knock anything out. and then there is my aunt paula. another women that has mastered her skills in the laundry room. pulling items out of the dryer before they are actually dry so they don't shrink and so she can keep collars crisp. as much as i admire these two women i just can't seem to get my head around their love for laundry.
at our house i have tried doing a load or two a day but i usually forget about the load and it sits in the wash machine overnight. those of you with front loaders know what that means. they stink to high heaven and they need to be washed again! more often i wait until the weekend and spend an entire day slaving away in an attempt to fill closets with clean clothes before the start of a new week. but even this routine fails me. as a matter of fact i collected all the dirty clothes in the house last friday and until just yesterday; which was 5 full days later, the pile just sat in the back entry and trey was jumping off the stairs into it. argh!
tuesday night while at dance class my friend cindy shared her strategy with me. skeptical i put it to work yesterday and i have to tell you i love it. it works! at least it worked for me yesterday... who knows what next week will bring. but check this out, it is as simple as washing loads specific to the members of your family. that's right forget about sorting before it goes in. just pull out the delicates and in our case the jeans too and start washing.
yesterday i started with kate because she and her little girlie friends go through an insane number of clothes changes per day. she had 2 full loads. first all the socks, panties and PJs. next load everything else. i do wash everything in cold which prevents the colors from bleeding for those of you that are concered by that... after kate's wash came treys and so on. cindy's method also made putting the clothes away much easier. i had been folding into a large basket where the clothes would inevitably sit for dayS before ever finding a home. with this practice i folded the load as it came out of the dryer and ran it up to the said childs room and put it away.
some may say think this method is a bit risky (mom) but i have to tell you i genuinely think she's on to something!
thanks sharing cindy. i owe you~