a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, November 3, 2008

WNC in peak!

to say the change of seasons around here are incredible would be severe understatement...
they are breath taking! several times a day while driving to and fro i have found myself having to fight the urge to pull over and plop myself under many a tree.
this evening before dinner pete and i took thirty minutes for ourselves to sit outside and take it all in. reds, yellows, orange, and every possible shade of green. glorious splendor as far as the eye can see!

the only thing more beautiful then the leaves today was the sight of our gorgeous children. happy, healthy and full of joy!


Heather said...

couldn't agree more. I've lived here 32 years and still can't get enough of the "fruity pebbles" that line the mts. Adore the pics of kater.

Bountiful Blessings said...

Beautiful season, beautiful kiddos. You are very lucky! Yet another pic to frame!