a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

they actaully hung it up~

or at least long enough to get a quick picture to make me feel good! you know "gifting" is hard for some people but not for me. i love it. i would so much rather buy something for someone else then myself. the tricky part for me is giving something to someone else that i have made. i almost feel like i need to send along a note that says if you don't like it please pass it on, my feelings won't be hurt.
i was tickled when i received the picture above from our dear friends from chicago last night. not only is cam wearing the jammies we gave her when we saw her this summer it would also appear that they actually hung the name plate i made for her. yeah - i am feeling all warm and fuzzy! thank you guldberg's. we love you!


Anonymous said...

How very sweet. Great artwork. That little Camryn will melt your heart.
I think anyone that knows you realizes what a giving person you are. I don't know you have ever given a gift that needs to be passed on. Hope you guys are doing well and everyone feels better.

Anonymous said...

How very sweet. Great artwork. That little Camryn will melt your heart.
I think anyone that knows you realizes what a giving person you are. I don't know you have ever given a gift that needs to be passed on. Hope you guys are doing well and everyone feels better.

Anonymous said...

never would we pass on a gift from the roes, especially one made so beautifully from the heart. and no it wasn't hung for the picture, it was hung because we had an empty spot on her wall:) miss you guys lots!