a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

summer salad exchange; let's share the LOVE ~

ok viewers, how would you like to try a summer salad exchange? because of the distance we can't literally exchange our favorite summer time salads but we can share recipes. if you are game please email me (sarahroe@bellsouth.net) a copy of your favorite summer salad. i doens't have to be a salad it can be that dish that you always prepare when invited to a picnic. i don't know about anyone else but i could sure use some fresh ideas. i'll post all recipes that i recieve on sunday, june 1st and share the love!


Anonymous said...

And I am on it!

Anonymous said...

Recipe on the way, great idea!
The only thing better than cheap plants is free plants! The "Pot Party" is coming to Strawberry Fields Farm, Sat. June7. Wish you could all come, it is a blast!

the roe family said...

the pot party - i LOVE it. so wish i could come. my sewing instructor just offered to share her "touch-me-nots" with me after listening to our poisin ivy epidemic of last summer. that will be free and has me excited. can't wait ot hear what your exchange brings in this year.

Anonymous said...

insert crude joke here.

Also, I am totally down for this recipe thing. I looooove salads!!