trey is no longer a babbling little boy. he is no longer bound to diapers. he is no longer unsteady on his feet. rather he is a curious and inquisitive little explorer. he is a loving and generous little friend. he has a huge heart that he wears on his sleeve. he has an infectious laugh that can fill a room in seconds. MY how he has grown!
kate is no longer the quiet and shy little girl standing off in the corner. she is no longer chewing on her collar when uncertain of her environment. she is no longer hesitant to make new friends. she is now longer crawling into bed with pete and i 4 nights out of 5. rather kate is soon to be a rising first grader. she is a nurturer, a natural giver of care. she is excited about learning and always looking for new material, she is an artist, a budding gardener, an outdoors enthusiast. she is now sleeping with her little brother and is now providing him with the same sense of security she was in search of just a year ago. MY how she has grown!
i am excited to see what this next year holds for us yet a bit sad all at the same time. as i watch the two of them grow i find myself wishing i could just slow that inevitable process down a bit. knowing that is not possible i will continue to give thanks for the beautiful blessing that they are and try to make the most out of the moments that we share.
ah yes-but it is all good-only good things to come, I am sure.
the best gift in life is to be able to watch and guide your children as they grow....
i do wish we were closer so we could have just a few more group shots and a few more play dates....
miss you bunches....
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