a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, January 28, 2008

don't waste your time!

by far the WORST movie pete and i have seen in years. based on the cast we thought it had a pretty good shot of being decent. we found ourselves laughing out loud at the pathetic dialog and called it quits after about 25 minutes. and for the record we should have turned it off long before that.


Heather said...

thanks for the recommendation, we had seen a preview and just added it to our netflix list, off it goes!

The Iron Squirrel said...

Dodged a bullet there. You would think it would be good because of Samuel L right? Although anything with Jessica Biel in it needs to be taken pretty lightly. Thanks for the warning...

The Iron Squirrel said...

Oh by the way, there is some other war moving coming out with Ryan Phillipe in it- I think its called Stop Loss. seems there is a lot of shirtless Ryan Phillipe in it. The preview looks pretty decent though if you are into the whole military movie thing.

the roe family said...

thank you - that is EXACTLY what we thought.