a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, August 27, 2007

it started like most mornings do...

she woke before her alarm started to sound. i heard a lot of clamor comming from her room. as i anxiously awaited her entrance into the kitchen i was intersted to see the expression on her face. would she be excited? nervous? scared? truth be told i think she was still half asleep. most impressive - she was already dressed from head to toe. she hopped on the couch and got in some good snuggles with daddy before downing 2 bowls of fruity cherrios. being the good sport that she usually is she posed for a couple of pictures while fighting trey for center stage.

6:30 am
notice the boots everyone...

715 AM


Kelly Elizabeth said...

You have SUCH a SWEET girl... I LOVE that pic with her backpack... too much.

The Iron Squirrel said...

oh good god, so it begins....thank goodness she'll always be fashionable, nice boots