a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the year of the barbie~

yes indeed my friends kate's 6th was the year of the barbie. she loves them. she can't get enough of them. she likes to dress them and undress them, pose them and then dress them all over again. this is an all new experiences for me. as a middle child and the only girl, barbies were never my thing. this could be why i take such delight in watching kate play with these plastic little people.
as i was picking out her gifts this year i waffled over all of the "accessories" that readily available and mass marketed. houses, stages, furniture, horses... you name they have it at Toy's R Us. i stuck with my gut and refrained. i left with a hsm gabrielle doll, an african american steven doll, the "cali" ken doll and an anonymous blonde barbie who's hair you can streak. fun right!!
ok, now to get to the pictures above and to share this sweet little moment with you. notice how kids are IMPROVISING! isn't it beautiful. no plastic barbie kitchen needed here. kate and trey have been using our ancient leap frog groceries for both our food and furniture.
way to go kids. keep thinking outside that box!


Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Your kids have such an imagination. I love it!!

Heather said...

I love it...are they sitting on mcdonald's dip containers??? :) too funny...those barbies are going to be joining my ww compaign if they eat all that jumbo food:)