a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

happy 34th to us

kate with her face in the water - looking for fish

pete and trey - trey wasn't too sure of the lake at first, but that didn't last long!


oh yah - now trey is loving it! just needed a little speed.

snack time

for years now i have had the extreme pleasure of celebrating my birthday with the only other person i know that actually shares the same birth - day with me, julie davis - a dear friend from our altanta days. this tradition dates back to 97 with us missing only one year together in the last 10.
this year we spent the weekend with julie and her husband scott at their lake house located on lake hartwell. we took the kids, kicked back and enjoyed the calm serenity that their home offered.
scott and julie we owe you!
and i really hope it won't be another year before we see you again.

i can't forget this one

trey and cousin austin playing at mika's house...

and then these arrived...

just like clock work - the larvae arrived the day after we returned from iowa and withing 24 hours they had taken refuge in their chrysalids. actually really pretty cool to watch the process happen so quickly - right before our very eyes. two weeks of regular feedings and protecting them from the cat and walah! Painted Lady Butterflies.
hard to belive that the butterflies we released tonight may travel up to 1,000 miles in thier lifetime.
a few more interesting facts:
they "taste" with their feet and have 10,000 eyes...
who knew?

they came, they installed...

and now we shall PLAY!
the kids had no idea that the play set fairies were hard at work while we were in iowa.
and to their surprise this awaited them upon our return...
good times!

our trip to omaha to see the boys

following the 4th we all went over to omaha to see ann and the boys. we even got to see uncle jim for a couple of minutes. the trip was short but sweet. they sure tear it up when they are all together.
so that pretty much wraps up our trip to iowa.
next: see what was waiting for us when we got home, both big and small...

it's time to catch up

flowers for mika - picked right out the front door...

as i was putting kate to bed this evening we giggled as we talked about all of the fun we are going to have in maine (we leave in the morning). i told her to sleep well and sleep fast. she said she would if she could...and that she had been waiting for this trip for a hundred million years! what fun it is to be little!

so with our trip to maine about to commence i had better wrap up the pictorial of the trip to iowa.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

and then...the grown-ups get a night out

Here's to Trac and Nicole.

Two women that I've known my whole life. Two women that I've laughed and cried, sung and danced with. Two women that I admire immensely, for their strengths, for their perseverance, for their commitment to their families. Two women that I love more with each year that passes.

Thank you for always being there and for always being true. Thank you for always feeling like home. Thank you for allowing me to carry our friendship with me where ever I go!

Here's to you two...

Women Who Change the World
There are women who make things better.... simply by showing up.
There are women who make things happen.
There are women who make their way.
There are women who make a difference.
And women who make us smile.
There are women of wit and wisdom who - through strength and courage - make it through.
There are women who change the world every day .... women like these two.

(no-i didn't write that)

and then...there were SNOW CONES

soon after the kids cooled down we set off for iowa city and visisted an old favorite for some greesey mexican and a couple of cold "adult beverages" before calling it a night. no fireworks this year - the kids were all sawing logs long before the fireworks began. AMEN!

and then...kate had her fun with the flags

and then...we played in the park

the 4th of july ~ first there was the parade

who knew that all you need in iowa to have a parade is a few dozen tractors, a couple of big trucks with people throwing candy from them and a few more tractors...

we made it to IOWA

ruB-a-dUB-DuB...4 kids in a hot tub~
once we made it to iowa it didn't take long for kids to strip down and head out to the "not-so-hot" hot tub. kate and trey had loads of fun playing with cousins austin and ally.