~supporting local growers is good for everyone~
saturday afternoon we went and toured one of the local farms that provides many of the finer restaurants in town with meat and poultry. after realizing that the farm is just down the road from us in fairview we decided we wanted to get to know amy and jamie and see where all of those delicious eats really come from.
the tour was interesting. we got to get up close and personal with the pigs, the turkeys and the cows. trey was a little bit disappointed because he couldn't actually get ON the the cow. and kate - our little adventurous one...she desperately wanted to get her hands on one of the turkey hatchlings but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. she felt better about me holding it for her. jamie said the turkeys we held will be ripe just in time for thanksgiving this year. so who's coming to asheville for turkey?
we learned about grass fed live stock and how the natural consumption of the grass actually benefits not only the animal and the person consuming it but the ENVIRONMENT as well.
after seeing some other children off in a distant pasture riding some ponies kate informed us that she is going to have her party there...but it will have to be her second party because she is really looking forward to having her first party on the beach in maine with ELLA! that kate - she is always thinking. so who's up for a pony ride in august? or birthday cake on the beach in maine?
we also found out that they run a little farm store on site and offer shopping hours from 3-6 on thursdays. in late september they are going to open up one of their pasture for pumpkin picking and a corn maize. we'll be checking that out for sure. (mel - that might be a great time for you to come back up - the leaves should be nearing their peak)
after finding trey's shoes we filled up our cooler with more breakfast meat then an army could consume we said our good byes to the crew at hickory nut gap farms and promised to return regularly.

now that is some fine looking BACON in the MAKIN'