a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, April 16, 2007

as the Roes grow...

up-up and away!
we're doing it...we're launching our family blog
& you're invited to come along for the ride as the roes grow!


Unknown said...

What fun....! Almost as good as being there .....and growing they are. Keep that camera out and the pics coming. Oh, by the way, Trey likes cat treats too! -not quite as funny after the pet food thing- Kate, love the cowgirl hat. Where's the horse?
Love, Mika

Margaret said...

Loved your blog. Love the pictures.
Hope to see you soon. Love, Margaret. April 17, 2007,5:00pm

The Iron Squirrel said...

Oh boy Sarah- get Kate into horses. MUAhahahah -evil laugh- there is an addiction that never ends!

Tracy said...


Tracy said...

Opps - sorry about that last one
Wow that story about kate and trey had me in tears!!! what a great mom moment that will last forever!!
I love kates cowgirl hat! I think she needs a horse daddy!!! And Trey looks more like a little boy than a baby! He is so handsome! I cant wait to see more! Great job on the blog sarah!! Love it!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats to Meme & Gaw!
Tater, your tender heart is something special. Trey, love the boy 'hair cut' and that wonderful smile.
Glad you get to see all those critters-hopefully, no bears!
Love to all.