a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

our rising photographer...

i turned the camera over to kate on our last night in iowa. i think she's a natural. possibly a bit biased but nevertheless...

here's a little happiness for you~

have i mentioned that pete and holly are here for the winter...
talk about prayers being answered. family truly is the best gift imaginable. here the kids were playing with a christmas gift when grandpa jumped right in.

now that's a keeper!

we're BaCk!

after almost a month off i am getting back on the horse.

heather, mom... this one is for you!

rarely are we (my two brothers and i) in the same place together so we attempted to get a photo with a little help from the self-timer function. this is just one of many. i personally think that it captures the true essence of my "little" brother eric.
stay tuned...
there will be more to come.

Monday, January 5, 2009

how much SNOW can two children consume?

the 'ole quaintance homestead

opa's yak pack

kater amidst our snowball fight

don't eat the yellow snow...

we wished for a white christmas and upon our arrival in iowa that is just what we got. it didn't last all that long but we made the most out of it! even opa got in on the action. shame on him though... teaching young impressionable children his dirty tricks. he claims the use of a shovel is fair play. hmmmm

christmas 2008; a photo recap

kate & trey pre-christmas eve children's play

stockings come first
there was even something under the tree for dig

trey loves his hero helmet

and kate loves the drums...

christmas 2008 - call me crazy but these holidays just seem to keep getting better. not sure if it because i am still very much a child at heart or because as the kids get older they are able to express more excitement and more joy. whatever the case may be 2008 will go down in the history books as one of the best to date.