a collection of memories that are near and dear to us.

Monday, October 29, 2007

jack 'o' lanterns 2007

let the fun begin!

kate "working" the go fish booth

trey and his one of his fellow classmates

our very own thomas and twink...

our kissing fish~

ATSP hosted thier annual fall festival last night. games, carmel apples, a blues grass band and a BBQ followed by TRUNK or TREATING. A first for the Roe clan. I was on the fall festival committee and was in charge of games for the little ones. Below was our donation to the cause. Anyone for a little go-fish?


while i worked on the front the kids created thier own master piece on the back.

after / now will it fit in the back of my car?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

a stroll around the block

i turned my back for just a minute ~

and check this one out!

this kid finds fun just about everywhere. i had started to do the dishes when the laundry needed to be changed. from the laundry room i heard trey say that he was going to do some dishes. well have at it - i said! to my surprise i came back to find trey naked and completely submerged. again, i had to grab our camera before dragging him out by his toes.

trey and his potty~

who knew one could have so much fun with their potty? i caught trey "potty training" two of his furry friends the other day. so sweet. had to share.

keepin' busy while dad is away

candy apples; fun or fantastic opportunity for huge mess?
in our case, both of the above.

according to our kids everything is BETTER with sprinkles...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

a MUST post...

this picture makes my heart happy and i wanted to share it. beth snapped this photo of the kids while we were in maine this past summer. we have so much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No...MY Dad is cooler than yours!

one of a kind stone finger rings...
what will he come up with next?

check out his new website:

Monday, October 22, 2007

265,000 warned to evacuate in S. California

Fires destroy nearly 130 buildings in one town; thousands more threatened. Fortunately Pete made it home and allyson is safe! becareful al - and keep in touch!

gardener makes confession...

i am addicted!

to BB Barns that is. the kids and i had a hey day shopping for some fall plantings this weekend while pete was away. we will plan to head back in mid november to get some winter berry to add to the planters placed at the front door. on the deck we had endless possibilities with full sun exposure. tried something new, mustard greens and a succulent with the pansies. can't wait to see how they look after they've filled in a bit.

kater-pie ~

my baby girl -- looking so grown up these days. i have been affectionately calling her kater and kater-pie since birth and just recently trey has also taken to calling her kater-pie and even katie. eeeekkkkkk! but i have to agree with kate, "it just sounds so sweet when he says it."