it was coooooold here today - mid thirties but full sun. so just before dinner we bundled up and set out to spread a little more of the christmas spirit we are all presently filled with.
we planted a fat albert spruce at the front of our property and i though given thier growth pattern this would be a fun tree to decorate every year and watch it grow along with the kids. notice this year kate has no problem reaching the top of the tree. and notice trey has very little interest in this activity. he is just happy to be outside playing!
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LOVE the fat albert... I need one!! You've got a happly little life down there... wishing you the best.
So much to comment on...
Your new layout..I like it.
Your kids...Love them...could they get any cuter?
Fat Albert. I want one. I didn't know such a tree existed. I love it.
Sigh-good stuff
We need to hurry up and get down there before those munchkins get any bigger!
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